The Western Australian Department of Agriculture and Food is planning on releasing a new strain of the rabbit calicivirus (rabbit heamorrhagic disease) later this year in order to control the wild rabbit population (WA plan to release deadly calicivirus strain) .  Unfortunately this is a fatal disease which can potentially be transmitted to your pet rabbit, it causes internal bleeding which in turn can lead to coma and death within 12-36hours, treatment is usually unsuccessful.   The disease is easily spread and the virus can be carried on clothing, by the wind or by fleas and biting flies.  The good news is that vaccination has been shown to be be very effective at protecting your pet.



When Can We Vaccinate and How Often?

Vaccination can be done from 10 weeks of age with a booster recommended every 6 months thereafter (the most recent recommendation for rabbits in high risk areas).  It is also recommended to try and protect rabbits from fleas and biting flies by placing fly mesh over cages and runs which can help protect against other diseases transmitted by biting insects such as Myxomatosis.

If you would like to make an appointment for your rabbit to be vaccinated, or check when they were last done, please call us at the clinic on 9755 4455.