Weight Loss Clinic

dog on beach

The weather is getting warmer!! While you’re thinking about getting your body bikini ready for the summer, perhaps your dog or cat could benefit from going on a diet, so they’re ready for all the summer fun too!!

Research has shown that approximately 41% of dogs and 32% of cats are overweight to some degree. An overweight pet is at risk from a whole range of problems including diabetes mellitus, heart disease, skin complaints, breathing difficulties and arthritis.

How do I know if my pet has a weight problem?

If you answer ” yes ” to any of the questions below, or if you think your pet is not at its optimum body condition, you may want to talk to your veterinary staff about a professional Weight Management program.

  1. Do you have difficulty feeling your pets ribs?
  2. Is there little or no ” waist “
  3. Do you give your pet table scraps or left overs?
  4. Is your pet reluctant to exercise?
  5. Does your pet seem to tire easily with activity?
  6. Does your pet waddle when it walks?
  7. Does your pet keep eating so long as there is food in the bowl?
  8. Have you been told your pet is overweight?
  9. Have you had to loosen your pets collar several times over the past year?

If your pet has not had a recent check-up, it’s best to make an appointment with your veterinarian for an examination. Whilst weight gain is an obvious explanation for some of the above changes, they can also indicate illness or disease. Before starting on any weight loss program we would like to confirm your pet is as healthy as they can be considering the extra kilograms they are carrying. We will then introduce you to our Weight Loss Clinic.

If your pet has had a recent check-up with a veterinarian, the first thing you need to do is contact us to make a free weight clinic appointment. This will help us set aside some extra time with you and your pet.

risks of being an overweight dog

One of our nurses will assess your pet and offer a weight management program tailored to your pet, to help them reach and maintain their optimal body weight.

We will outline target weight goals, and also supply you with a progress tracker, a nutritional plan and an exercise program, as well as a free sample of the calorie controlled food. The program and your pet’s targets will be based on their age, breed, health and individual needs.

 The use of high quality veterinary diets means your pet will not miss out on any essential nutrients throughout their weight loss program.

 You will be asked to visit us regularly for free follow up progress visits including weight check-ups to make sure your pet is on track and to discuss any concerns or queries you may have. Our weight clinics will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons just call reception and we will book you and your pet in.

fat cat